
Since this site uses a component based CSS approach I avoided applying CSS rules directly to HTML elements. To opt into nice typographical defaults I wrap content in a special Prose component.


Here are some typographic specimens for testing typography changes:

This is a test page used for testing the “typography” of my site.

It uses a number of different markdown features.

console.log("For example, here's a code block!");

And here’s some console.log('inline code')!


  • Lists are cool too
  • Don’tcha know?
  1. Unordered
  2. and ordered

This is a main heading (h1)

This is a main heading (h2)

This is a main heading (h3)

This is a main heading (h4)

This is a main heading (h5)
This is a main heading (h6)


Here are some typographic specimens for testing typography changes:

This is a test page used for testing the “typography” of my site.

It uses a number of different markdown features.

console.log("For example, here's a code block!");

And here’s some console.log('inline code')!


  • Lists are cool too
  • Don’tcha know?
  1. Unordered
  2. and ordered

This is a main heading (h1)

This is a main heading (h2)

This is a main heading (h3)

This is a main heading (h4)

This is a main heading (h5)
This is a main heading (h6)